Friday, February 20, 2015

Caledonia dreaming… Philip White Freight plots a Scottish incursion

THERE is a place dear to our hearts, a place of rocks and mountains liberally swathed in snow. A place where log fires burn bright in the darkness of the night. A place where rugged, craggy men speak in strange, foreign tongues. Oh yes mes amis, I speak of Scotland.

More specifically, we are planning a trip to England's bonny brother, a place that we get to rather rarely. This does present an opportunity to collect goods from the far-flung north (I include the topmost bits of England in this term) without the massive surcharge that a bespoke run up there would generate. Therefore I throw the information out there, in case there are among you those who harbour a desire to have things brought from l'Ecosse to la France. Our next run to the Alps, as insinuated in previous mails, will leave our Dorset lair around 07 March (exact dates to be confirmed shortly, but that's the general idea).

Awa' wi'ye now, and bon ski!

Friday, February 13, 2015

The rides of March - Philip White Freight considers its next service

AH, here you find me, making bad puns about the words of a fictional soothsayer to Shakespeare's Julius Caesar. But then, 'tis Friday the 13th. Fortunately, this fell day is to be followed by the glories of Feb 14th, when my thoughts shall turn to a different kind of seize her. Oh, lucky Mrs White...

Valentines' day means many things to many people, but amid the chocolate tributes, bath produce sales and the sight of many a man trudging around a wet Dorchester bearing floral arrangements, it occurs to me that half of February has whizzed by. In my case, mostly in a blur of driving, warehouse work and administration. In yours, a spray of lovely powder. It's time to consider March, mes amis.

Dates are not yet fixed for the March schedule, but anyone ordering sofas etc (lots of you seem to be in the market for sofas at the moment) should consider that the month's initial PWF service is likely to leave the UK around 07 March. It will head Alpenwards, slither around for a few days, then trudge back to the dankness of the UK.

As ever, the Dorchester warehouse is open to receive goods. Or to store your things should you be moving back and have discovered that the contents of two houses don't fit in one.

Alors, mes braves - may tomorrow be filled with love, smiles, cocoa-based snacks and the scent of flowers. If we survive today, that is…