Friday, October 28, 2016

Remember, remember, the middle of November... because that's when the next PWF van service will be.

Bon Vendredi, chers amis

As I type the PWF van is trundling around the Alps dispensing knick nacks, furniture, paint, rugs and ooh, much, much more. But time, tide and the growing pile of stuff in our UK warehouse wait for no van - so thoughts turn to the next service.

This will leave the UK around 14/15 November, getting to the Alps shortly afterwards. Upwards dates aren't yet set, but obviously it will return unto the UK after a brief rest.

Alors, mes braves, bon weekend. See you in Cyberspace.

Keep on keeping on...


Phil White

Philip White Freight

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Well, October isn't over - announcing the second Philip White Freight service this month.

Bonjour, Alpiniards tous.

Well, I'm just back from the Alps and looking at a lovely blue Dorset sky. I've hung my duvet jacket up in the cupboard, as I shan't be needing it for a few weeks. It was seeing service in France though, oh yes. Personally I'm a smidge perturbed by the sudden onset of what feels like November in the Alps. Nobody wants winter to descend early, like a drunk and vengeant ice queen with no access to a diary - not while there's building work to be done, that is.

In a scandalously roundabout way I'm trying to say something simple: think ahead this year, mes amis. If the doomy mutterings of the guides are right, schnee, sturm und drang could be with us sooner than we think. All of which are no help to us here at Philip White Freight.

Therefore please take ye note - the second October service looks set to quit the balmy climes of Dorzzett around 22 Oct, and head your way. As always, we offer both a door-door service and the use of our fine warehouse, wherein suppliers can despatch your ordered goods.
Alors, a bientot, chers amis. Wrap up warm.


Phil White

Philip White Freight