Thursday, April 6, 2017

April: unlucky for Prince, dandy for you: late April PWF van service date info, amid some pop trivia you never wanted to know...

Following on from my recent discourse pouring scorn upon TS Eliot's view of April... he might actually have been right about it being "the cruellest month". After all, it was on 21 April of last year - that epic twelvemonth of celebrity demise - that the Grim Reaper paid a visit to prolific, dimunitive pop genius Prince. A bit-part player in the tracklisting of his massive hit album Parade was the song Sometimes it Snows in April. It might have been recorded way back in 1986, but three decades later it would prove eerily prophetic - although unlike, say, John Belushi, it wasn't 'snow' that gave the pint-sized warbler the ultimate chill, but painkillers.
However, 2016 is a thing quite literally of the past, so we can turn to happier implications of April's cheerful presence. Most importantly of course, the fact that dates are now set for a late-April PWF van service from the UK to the Alps and back again. The doughty PWF van will quit our Midlands base on 25 April. Its return northwards will begin on 02 May. 
Whether it snows in April for you or not, may the month be a belter for you. 
Phil White on behalf of Ryan Thomas, new proprietor of: Philip White Freight

Monday, February 13, 2017

Let's get ready to trundle! Yes, it's a timely reminder of the next PWF van service...

Bon Lundi, chers Alpiniards

Well, I hope you're enjoying yourselves up there. Back in Blighty we cower by the fire, trying to avoid a wicked north-easterly wind while resisting the temptation to toss the working day off and disappear into a bottle of Scotch. Awful place. "April is the cruellest month," opined Thomas Stearns Eliot in the opening to his monumental poem The Wasteland. Fine word-shuffler he may have been, but possessed of valid opinions on the relative ghastliness of seasons he most certainly was not. Probably pissed on Scotch when he wrote it...

Still, amid all this misery there is work to be done. Therefore we issue hereby a reminder: around the last week of this parlous month the good ship (by this I mean van - poetic licence) will embark on a voyage from the UK to the Alps. It will linger there for a little while before trundling back to the gloom and despair of Her Britannic Majesty's realm.

I invite those of you unfamiliar with our fine service, we offer a door-door transport service for loads of varying shapes and sizes, as well as a handy warehouse to which suppliers can send your sofas, sanitary ware, paint, furniture various, hot tub lids, skidoo lifts (yes, really) and other marvellous paraphernalia. 

Anyhow mes amis, I must return to stoking the fire and studiously avoiding the whisky bottle. Bon ski, tous!


Ryan Thomas