Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Oh my eye, it's nearly July! A Philip White Freight service date for you.

BON Mardi, chers Alpiniards
Living in the darkest South-West of England I am surrounded by atavists and pagans. Or so it would appear from the raggety droves that descended upon the region for the summer solstice a couple of days ago. It brought two thoughts to the fore: one went along the lines of "Why don't they all bugger off home instead of driving in flocks around the place when I want to get on with things?" The other was an inchoate yell of "Lordy me, it's nearly July already!"
The rump of June/nose of July is a crowded period here at PWF Towers. Partly thanks to Mrs White running an ultra in Italy, and partly due to work. As a result, the first July service will leave the UK on 13 July, and hit the Alps on 14 or 15 July. It will return a couple of days later.
As ever, the PWF warehouse is open to receive, well, wares. We also collect from your suppliers or your home.
A note about the future: due to a reorganisation of both the way we do things, and the way Mrs PWF works, a more frequent and regular service will shortly be available. I'm not going to bother your pretty heads with the details, but improvement is in the air. Give me a few weeks to get it all together, but it looks damn good.
Righto. To Italy. I bought a Panama yesterday, thus equipping me to support Mrs W's ultra assault in fine style - snoozing next to a chilly beer with my hat tipped over my nose. Cin cin!
A bientot,
Phil White
Philip White Freight

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